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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 507

Autor:Sablić, Helena
Naslov:Refleks barokne retorike u 'Opivanu sličnoričnom groba J. A. Ćolnića' Antuna Ivoševića
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 157-166
Sažetak:Elements of Baroque rhetoric are found in the south-north-east pattern in Sveta Rožalija by Kanižlić, which was published in 1780. This is revealed as a genotext in certian parts of the ocasional poem by Antun Ivanošić, Opivańe slićnorično groba J. A. Colnića published in 1789. The permanent places of Baroque rhetoric (metaphor, antithesis, periphrase, descriptions (position and function), places (of the ending, of invocations of nature, exordial and historical), Wolfflin's polarization, the relationshops within the semantic triangle and the relationships among the individual levels of narration) within the context of the Baroque as a sunken cultural treasure confirm the omnifresence of the Dubrovnik-Dalmatian cultural nucleus in Slavonian Baroque and Enlightenment literature.
Ključne riječi:Ivošević, Antun - Opivane sličnorično groba J. A. Ćolnića * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Ivošević, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Flaker, Aleksandar
Naslov:Krležin barok
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 341-353
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost * Krleža, Miroslav * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Bogišić, Rafo
Naslov:Hrvatski barokni slavizam
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 9-37
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Napomena:Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst
Sažetak:Der kroatische barocke Slavismus : Der ausgeor¨gte Slavismus, der in einigen slavischen Literaturen des 17. Jahrhunderts aufkam, hat in jeder einzelnen nationalen Kultur und Literatur besibdere Kennzeichen une Merkmale. In jedem einzelnen Volk offenbart dieses Phänomen einen eigenen Ursprung, eine spezifische Intensität und eigentümliche Erscheinungsmodalitäten. Das Attribut des Slavischen ist von Anfang an, von der Besiedlung der östlichen Mittelmeerküste an, in der kroatischen Literatur und in der Kultur und im Schrifttum überhaupt vorhanden. Von frühen Mittelalter an lebt es beständig neben dem Attribut des 'Kroatischen' beziehungsweise des 'Dalmatinischen' und 'Illyrischen'. Nachedm Humanismus une Renaissance innerhalb des kroatischen Kultursubjekts verschiedene Attribute annahmen und benutzten, erhält das Attribut des 'Slavischen' hinsichtlich des kroatischen Kultursubjekts nun eine neue Inntensität. Dies erfolgt natürlich im Einklang mit der betonten "östlichen" Politik der Träger der Gegenreformation, aber auch mit dem Bewusstsein der Kroaten, dass sie in ihrem Kampf gegen die moslemischen Eroberer ajs dem Osten nicht alleinstehen: Ihnen zur Seite steht die grosse slavische Welt, teilweise im Kampf, teilweise unterworfen. In ihren Konzeptionen und Visionen vom Slaventum gehen die kroatischen Autoren und die kroatische slavische Tradition allgemein jedoch immer von sich aus: von der sicheren Überzeugung, dass der Ursprung des slevischen Prinzips in Kroatien liege, dass einzelne kroatische (dalmatinische) Gebiete der Mittelpunkt der slavischen Idee seien und den ursprünglichen Zugang zu den slavischen Weiten öffnenten (die Geschichte von Čeh, Leh und Meh, Vinko Pribojević, Juraj Baraković, Junije Palmotić, Vladislav Menčetić und andere). Eine eigehende Analyse des Phänomens zeigt den Umstand auf, dass der barocke Slavismus in der kriatischen Literatur und Kultur seine eigenen Motivationen und Anregungen hatte. Ohne eine sorgfältige Analyse der betreffenden Erscheinung in all ihren Einzelheiten beziehungsweise in all den einzelnen nationalen "Fällen" entzieht sich die Erscheinung als ein Ganzes der Betrachtung.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kolumbić, Nikica
Naslov:Neke osobitosti žanrova hrvatskoga književnog baroka
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 39-50
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Besonderheiten der kroatischen Barockgattungen ; Die Frage der Gattungen in der kroatischen Barockliteratur wurde in neurerer Zeit mehrmals erörtert und dabei hervirgehoben, dass man diese Gattungen in zwei Hauptgruppen einteilen kann: in jene, die aus den vorhergehenden Epochen übernommen wurden, und in jene, die eine originale Neuheit des Barock darstellen. Diese Arbeit soll zeigen, auf welchen Grundsätzen die Gestaltung oder Entstehung der originalen Barockgattungen in der kroatischen Literatur beruht beziehungsweise welche Verwurzelung und schöpferische Anregung ihnen zugrunde liegt. Während es den zwischen traditionellen und noch undefinierten neuen Formen hin - und hergerissenen Dichtern des Manierismus nicht gelang, verschiedenartige thematisch.stilistiche Komplexe glücklich zu fest verbundenen Einheiten zu verknüpfen, währrend diese keine eigenen Gattungsstrukturen gestalteten und daher auch keine Anhänger oder Nachahmer hatten, trat schon die erste Schriftstellergeneration des Barockzeitalters mit Entschlossenheit und einer definierten Einstellung zu den Ausdrucksformen der Dichtung auf. Solch eine einstellung hatte sie auch in Bezug auf Gattungen, sei es, dass sie die traditionellen Formen dem neuen Geschmack anpassten oder unterordnenten, sei es, dass sie aus widersprüchlichen Bestandteilen neue, einzigartige literarische Gattungen und Untergattungen schufen.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Zogović, Mirka
Naslov:Marinovi i marinovski motivi i teme u dubrovačkoj književnosti XVII veka
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991; str. 53-96
Sažetak:Motivie temi mariniani e marinistici nella letteratura ragusea del seicento : La presenza del Marino nella letteratura ragusea, oltre che nelle traduzioni, ovvero adattamenti, si riflette anche in numerose analogie, affinita di tipo tematico e stilistico-retorico. Tal volta tali affinita si mutano in veri rapporti di dipenednza di una singola opera ragusea da quella del Marino. Ma in effetti si tratta piu che altro di tracce di lettura del Marino, per noi interessanti per la foro forma e per il processo di creazione di un'espressione letteraria propria, ragusea. D'altra parte le analogie, anche quando vengono accertate, non comportano necessariamente una conferma dell'influenza del Marino: in un'epoca in cui l'originalita dell'espressione artistica non era ili principio eststico dominante, questo ribadiscono l'appartenza della letteratura ragusea alla sfera piu ampia del Barocco europeo. La vera novita della poesia barocca consiste nel rapporto mutato dei lirici secenteschi con il repertorio tematico ereditato, soprattutto petrarchesco. Per stupire il leettore i poeti barocchi combinano in modo nuovo, variano, cambiano i temi petrarchistici e i cliche stilistici. Spesso "l'ambito entro cui si muove il contenuto della poesia" e quello tradizionale, mentre i motivi e la loro elaborazione, sono nuovi. Nello stesso tempo la scomparsa di confini un tempo ben definiti trai generi letterari porta ad un ampliamento della tematica barocca. Molti studiosi della storia della letteratura, come caratteristica principale della poesia barocca, evidenziano il predominiodello stile sul tema.Il poeta varocco e attirato non tanto dal tema in sé, quanto del tema come possibilita, come stimolo a manifestare la propria bravura retorica. Tutto cio e caratteristico di tutta la letteratura barocca europea conseguenza di quella italiana e di quella ragusea. Attraverso l'analisi comparata della decisione della donna ('la donna bruna, la donna brutta e vecchia, il seno' "particolare anatomico" come negazione intenzionale dei tipici canoni della bellezza), di determi nati temi e motivi (per esempio 'il tema dello specchio, della lontananza') e della sensualita ('il tema del bacio') nella poesia del Marino e di quella ragusea abbiamo rilevato la presenza di affinita tipologiche e siamo venuti a conoscenza di dati finora ignoti sulla poesia ragusea e i suoi rapporti con quella del Marino).
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- Dubrovnik -- 17. stoljeće * manirizam * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Plejić, Lahorka
Naslov:Knjižnica Cerničkog franjevačkog samostana i njezine propovijedi 18. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 139-154
Sažetak:The library of the Franciscan Monastery in Cernik has not been researched. the only work that has been done on it is to separate the group of works dating from the 17th, 17th and early 19th centuries form more recent editions. The most numerous group among the works dating from the 17th and 18th centuries consists of theological handbooks, summae and compendia of foreign authors. These were acquired to meed the needs of the course of study that existed in Cernik in the 18th century. Another large group comprises the works of Croatian, bosnian and Slavonian Franciscans (M. Divković, F. Lastrić, J. Filipović, S. Vilov, A. Papušlić, D. Rapić, E. Pavić, and others). These are mainly lectionaries, "Epistles and Gospels", catechisms, "mirrors", lives of the saints, and colections of sermons, which are the most interesting works in this group. The library also owns the major works of Croatian lexicography (Jambrešić, Belostenec, Mikalja and Della Bella). the structure of the book stock shows a marked utilitarianism, whish was due to the historical situation and the poverty of the Franciscans. There was no room left for the aesthetic function of literature, nor wass there a tradition it could tely on, since the Slavonian literature of that time consisted exclusively of various religious forms inherited from the pre-Renaissance. The 18th-century Slavonian sermon (A. Papušlić, Đ. Rapić, E. Pavić, B. Leaković) relied partly on the work of the Bosnian Franciscans of the previous century. Unlike the situation in the literature of Dubrovnik and Dalmatia, in Slavonia the sermon was the major literary genre. In the sermon, whish is a genre of mediecal origin with a practical purpose, linked to litrugy, the Baroque is present in the form of a "sunken cultural treasure" (Kravar). It is most highly developed, on both the stylistic level and the level of theme and motif, in the writing of Đuro Rapić, the most interesting of the flur above-mentioned sermon-writers.
Ključne riječi:franjevci - Cernički samostan - knjižnica * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Slamnig, Ivan
Naslov:Demonstracija svojstava vlastitih jeziku u baroknoj pjesmi
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 99-104
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Demonstation of features proper to language in Baroque verse : Some processes of language have a clear correspondence with certain devices used by authors, so the final product of such a language process has all the semblance of an element of poetry. Some terms such as polyptoton or peregmennon, or figure in general, may be used both in grammar and in poetics. So we have to realize the existence of artlike features which are generated by language itself, which may be named the "ready-mades of language", and they are occasionally used by writers (as pictorial or plastic ready made are used by painters and sculptors). Particulary interesting is the formation of derivatives, where prefixes may show metaphorical change usually from a purely spatial to more abstract meaning. As the author points out and illustrates, particulary the baroque poetsliked to counterpoint the features of their individual creation with selected examples of the "ready-mades of language".
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- 17. stoljeće * versifikacija * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Fališevac, Dunja
Naslov:Poetika i ideologija Krmpotićeva epa : 'Katarine II. i Jose II. put u Krim'
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 91-118
Sažetak:Krmpotić's narrative poem 'Katarine II i Jose II put u Krim' published in Vienna in 1788, celebrating in verse the Austiran - russian - Turkish war, has stylistic features showing that its author was indubitably familiar with the Baroqe literature of Dubrovnik and Dalmatia and that his model in shaping some aspects of his narrative poem was Gundulić's 'Osman'. An analysis of the world described in the poem shows, however, that Krmpotić's understanding of the narrative poem and of epic poetry is different than that of writers from the south: the picture of the world shaped by Krmpotić, in his narrative poem differs, both in its understandings of history and in its evaluation of the events described, from the picture of the world represented in the historical narrative poems is also different on the stylistic level: although Krmpotić partly shapes the stylistic level of the poem using the kind of elements characteristic of Baroque literatrue throughout Europe, some elements of his work (the hyperthrophy of mythological themes and motifs, the glorification of the ruler, the genre of the eulogy) show that the author of narrative ppoem 'Katerine II i Jose II put u Krim' was also familiar with Slassicist literature, whether from Austrian of Hungarian sources.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * Krmpotić, Joso - Katarine II. i Jose II. put u Krim * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Krmpotić, J.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Farkaš, Loretana
Naslov:"Slavonski jezik" ili počeci hrvatskoga književog standarda u M. A. Reljkovića?
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 367-371
Sažetak:For a long time it was belived that the standard Croatian language began with the Illyrians in 1836, when the štokavian dialect was introduced formally. However, recent research has shown that the beginnings of standard Croatian should be sought in the mid-18th century. It was then that Slavonia was making an attemps to consolidate its ranks after the Turkish occupation and tending toward a faster development of literature and language. This was the position taken up by M. A. Reljković, the author of the well-known work 'Satir' and the 'Nova slavonska i nimačka gramatika', which saw three editions in 22 years. However, the assessment of Jagić and Maretić of Slavonian grammarians in general was very negative, while the Illyrians stressed their great importance, saying that their linguistic activity was a continuation of the work of 18th-century Craotian linguistics. Whether we should speak of a "Slavonian language" or of a is standard Croatian in the case of Reljković will be shown by the features of Reljković's advocacy of the establishment of a standard language, as well as the relationship of the standard language and the linguistic basis with which he grew up. In 'Satir', Teljković used a Slavonian-ikavian dialectal basis. In the 'Nova slavonska i nimačka gramatika', however, Reljković's standard departed from his native dialect.
Ključne riječi:Relković, Matija Antun - jezik * Reljković, Matija Antun * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Relković, M.A. * 811.163.42
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kravar, Zoran
Naslov:Stil i genus hrvatske lirike 17. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 107-142
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Stillistiche und generische Eigenschaften der kroatische Lyrik nach 1600 : Dass die kroatische Lyrik des 17. Jahrhunderts in stilisticher Hinsicht als barock eigenstuft werden kann, gehört zu den sicheren Erkenntnissen Lyrik erst dann zu einem wirklich herausfordernden thema, wenn man den Blick von ihrem üppigen Ornatus auf ihre gattungsmässigen eigenschaften wendet. Es zeigt sich dann, dass der stilistische Modernismus der kroatischen barocklyriker oft von einem ausgesprochenen Konservativismus in der Wahl der Gedichtformen begleitet war. Von den gattungsgeschichtlichen Bestimmungen der kroatischen Lyrik nach 1600 werden im Aufsatz vor allem solche berücksichtigt, die mit ihrer rhetorischen form oder mit ihrer kommunikativen Typik zusammenhängen. Denn kaum etwas scheint für das generische Wesen des kroatischen Barockliedes dermassen charakteristisch zu sein wie seine eigenartige kommunikative Einstellulng. Diese fällt durch eine für den heutigen Leser ganz ungewöhnnliche Nähe zu den Formen der legendigen Sprache auf. In der Dichtung, die nach der grossen sozialgeschichtlishen wende um die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts enstanden ist, zeig die Stimme des Dichters bzw. des lyrischen Subjekts eine immer deutlichere Tendenz, sich von den kommunikativen Verhaltensweisen und Situationen zu entfernen, die in weiten Kreisen des sozialen Lebens vertreten sind. Wenn es im ausserliterarischen Sprachgebrauch überhaupt noch etwas gibt, woran sie erinnert, dann sind es höchstens monologische Sprechhandlungen wie stimmloses Denken, vereinsamtes Erinnern oder Phantasieren. Noch prinzipieller entfremdet sich dem realen kommunikativen Handeln die avantgardistische Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts, hinter deren vergegenständlichten "Sprachgittern" oft gar keine menschliche Stimme mehr geahnt werden kann. Dagegen simuliert der kroatische Barocklyriker ununterbrochen kommunikative Prozeduren, die als ihren Kontext irgendwelche klar vorstellbare soziale Interaktionen heraufbeschwören. Die Formen der lebendigen Rede, in denen die kroatische Barocklieder wurzeln, sind natürlich vor allem diejenigen, die der Verständigung zwischen den Geschlechtern dienen - oder einman gedient haben - und soziala Verhaltensweisen wie werbung, Äusserung die Liebe, Lieblei, Liebesklage bwegleiten. Die Verankerung des kroatischen Barockgedichts kommunikativen Zusammenhängen einer den frühneuzeitlichen Lebensstilen angepassten Minne besagt etwas über das Alter und die Herkunft seiner generischen Typik. Wie schon bemerkt, ist das anscheinend laut redende und anredende lyrische Subjekt kein Universalie der lyrischen Dichtung. Wenistens seit der Genie-Ära ist diese Art von Subjekt stark im Schwinden, wobei es sich immer mehr ih gewisse Randgebiete der Literatur flüchtet, in die halbprivate Poesie der Gedenkbücher, heute auch in sentimentale Schlager- oder Poplieder. Nun jedoch beherrscht seine Stimme selbst das Feld der frühneuzeitlichen Lyrik nicht vüllig, nicht einmal das der Liebeslyrik. Der paradigmatische Liebesdichter der frühen Nezueit, Francesco Petrarca, kennt neben dem sprechenden wohl auch das flüsternde Gedicht, das auf den sprachlichen Gesten deer Einsamkeit, auf der Introspektion, dem stillen Erinnern, der philosophisch und theologisch geschulten Reflexion basiert. Das replikartige Gedicht, insofern von seinder Präsenz in der frühen Neuzeit die Rede ist, erfreute sich einer grösseren Popularität vor allem in gewissen nichtorthodoxen Schulen des europäischen Petrarkismus, wahrscheinlich nicht zufällig in denjenigen, in denen sich der einfluss Šetrarcas mit dem der Troubadourlyrik mischte. Zu solchen Schulen, die natürlich zunächst in Italien hervorgetreten waren, zählten starke und einflussreiche petrarkistische Strömungen des späten 15. Jahrhunderts, der 'petrarchismo cortigiano' des italienischen 'centrosettentirone' und der sog. cariteanische Petrarkismus, der seinen Namen dem aus Katalonien stammendden Dichter Benedetto Cariteo (Gareth) verdankt. Hier hatte sich der gesprächige ton, der auch die kroatische Barocklyrik beherrscht, zu einer Stilart entwickelt, die zuerst wohl als eine Version des 'genus humile' eingestuft wurde. Vielleicht aber braucht man die Herkunft der gängigsten Gedichttypen der kroatischen Barocklyrik gar nicht wo weit zurückzuverfolgen. Weitgehende entsprechungen zu ihrem Formbestand finden sich auch bei den kroatischen Renaissance-Dichtern, bei den Petrarkisten des 15. Jahrhunderts, die inrerseits übrigens unter einem in der Forschung schon längst nachgewiesenen Einfluss neapolitanischer und ferrareser Petrarkisten standen.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok - stil
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Golić, Latinka
Naslov:Gramatičko semantička sredstva za izražavanje vremena u djelima slavonskih pisaca 18. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 349-365
Sažetak:In this paper, the author describes some of the ways of expressing time in the works of A. Ivanošić, A. Kanižlić, M. P. Katančić and M. A. Reljković, expecially expressing time by means of time clauses, participles, time adverbials and modal lexical items. Time clauses are analyzed with regard to the conjunctions introducing them and with regard to the aspect of the verb in the predicate. The chronological relations occuring between time situations are also shown by clauses in which the time situation is represented by the present participle or the perfect participle I. Information to the time of speaking is also provide by the use of time adverbials. Time is also expressed by means of modal lexical items.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija - izražavanje vremena u književnim djelima
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kolenić, Ljiljana
Naslov:Izradba frazeoloških rječnika djela slavonskih pisaca 18. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 339-346
Sažetak:In Kanižlić's 'molitvenici' ('Prayer Books'), the phrasemes that occur most frequently are those that consist of an adjective and a noun (often inverted: a noun and an adjective). If we compare this with the structure of the phrasemes in Kanižlić's work 'Sveta Rožalija', se shall see that in 'Rožalija' there is a far greater number of phrasemes the head of which is a verb. Some phrasemes, moslty those with a noun as their head, appear both the 'Molitvenici' and in 'Rožalija':'doba gluho, tvrdo srce pravi put, život vični, ljuta zvir/zvirad, srdce je od lida, srdce gori'. In 'Sveta Rožalija', most of the phrasemes are thematically linked to the opposition of misfortune, evil - fortune, good. In the 'Molitvenici' most of the phrasemes are thematically linked to the Church and the Holy Scriptures: 'u ime Božje, po milosti Božjoj, Nauk Božji, rajska dika, rajski dvori, duše spasit, svaki križ svoj ima, u vičnih mukah'. This selection of phrasemes in the line with the prayer-book text. If the pphrasemes in 'Rožalija' are linked to the basic opposition of misfortune - fortune, those in the 'Molitvenici' are linked to the opposition of earthly life - entry into haven. Names of beasts and animals in the phrasemes in the 'Molitvenici' are usually acompanied by the adjective 'ljut' (fierce, angry): 'lava ljuta, zvirad ljuta, ljte zmije). Such links are frequently found in the work of Croatian Baroque poets, who took them over from popular poetry. The 'Molitvenici' contain fewe colloquial phrasemes. There are a far greater number of those from the literary language. Of the few colloquial phrasemes, one might mention 'vara me oko, gore naše list, kost i koža'. In Kanižlić's 'Molitvenici', the nouns most frequently found in phrasemes are the following: 'srdce' ('srdce gori i vene, srdce čisto, srdce tvrdo, srdce je kammen, srdce od leda'), 'Bog' ('u ime Božje, po milosti Božjoj, Nauk Božji'). The noun srdce (heart) ks frequently found in Kanižlić's work as a whole. Almost all the phrasemes found in the 'Molitvenici' are still used in standard Croatian. We might say that phraseology supports the opinion that the beginning of standard Croatian goes bask to the mid-18th century and that the Croatian Slavonian writers of the time contrubuted to it. If we compare the phraseology in Kanižlić's 'Molitvenici' with the phraseology in gundulić's 'Osman' (as studied by Antica Menac and Milan Moguš), we shall see some similarities. Some identical phrasemes appear in both 'Osman' and the 'Molitvenici': 'bijeli dan/danak, slavno ime, dragi kami/kamen, oganj živi, smrtna rana, zmija ljuta'. This leads to the conclusion that Baroque poets frequently employed phrasemes with a noun as their head. Baroque poets also frequently took over phraseology from Croatian popular poetry. Literary phrasemes predominate in their work, while colloquial ones are much rarer. Thus the phraseology of, for example, Kanižlić's 'Molitvenici' and Reljković's 'Satir iliti divji čovik' indicates that they belong to different styles, although they were written in the same period. In reljković's 'Satir' we find mostly colloquial phrasemes, while the most frequent ones are thowe with a verb as their head.
Ključne riječi:picsi - Hrvatska - Slavonija - 18. stoljeće - frazeološki rječnik * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kordić, Snježana
Naslov:Relativna rečenica u Reljkovićevu 'Satiru' i jeziku 20. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 329-337
Sažetak:In this paper the features of the relative clauses in Matija Antun Reljković's 'Satir iliti divji čovik' the (1762) are compared to the features of the relative clauses in the corpus of the contemporary standard Croatian. The results of the comparison - free relatives and extraposed relatives are much more frequent in 'Satir' than in contemporary written language; restrictive relative clauses predominate in 'Satir', revealing that the syntax of 'Satir' shows soome characteristics of the spoken language which contemporary written language lacks. Besides, it is noticable that the indeclinable relativizer 'što' is less frequent in 'Satir' that in contemporary language. This is a result opposite to what could have been expected from the statements in the literature. On the other hand it confirms what the author of this paper had presumed. It is interesting that temporal adverb relativizers anre very frequent in 'Satir', which may be due to the writer's main topic: the life and work of Slavonian peasants. Compared to 'Satir', contemporary written language shows an increase of grammatical formalization, complexty and intellectualization of the syntax level - as a result, some syntatic features of the spoken language disappear in the written language.
Ključne riječi:Relković, Matija Antun - Satir iliti divji čovik * Reljković, Matija Anutn * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Relković, M.A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Bojović, Zlata
Naslov:Barokni ep i renesansna književna tradicija
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 145-153
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Das Barockepos und die literarusche Tradition der Renaissence : Aufgrund ausgewähler Beispiele aus drei originalen Epen - Gundulić's 'Osman', J. Palmotić Dionorićs 'Dubrovnik ponovljen' und Kanavelovićs 'Ivan biskup trogirski' - in denen Historizität (einschliesslich der Pseudohistorizität und der Modifizierund historischer Tatsachen) eine wichtige Komponente war und sie so auch in höchstem Masse zur Beachtung des zeitgenössuscgen Geschehens verpflichtete (insbesondere Palmotić), und ungeachtet romanitischer episoden und des hagiographischen rahmens eines davon, erhielt mann ihr Verhältnis zur einheimischen literarischen Renaissance-Tradition, die diesen epen wichtige Züge einer gewissen Originalität und Frische verlieh. Die Tatsache, dass erkannt wurde, was in der barocken Epopöe aus der Renaissance stammte, bedeutete für das Epos keinen Rückschritt, sondern hob es durch die natürliche Verbindung zur einheimischen literarischen Tradition (und zwar nicht nur der dichterischer, sondern auch jener mündlicher Herkunft) aus der Vielzahl der nach Tasso entstandenen Barockepen hervor, was zwanglos, spontan zur einer seiner eigenschaften wurde und, wie uns scheint, zu einem teil seiner Poetik.
Ključne riječi:Gundulić, Ivan -- Osman * Palmotić Dionorić, Jaketa -- Dubrovnik ponovljen * Kanavelić, Petar - Sveti Ivan biskup trogirski * epika -- 17. stoljeće * hrvatska književnost -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Fališevac, Dunja
Naslov:Hrvatska epika u doba baroka
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 155-197
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Kroatische Epik im Zeitalter des Batock : Im Artikel werden narrative Werke in Versen analysiert, die im Laufe des 17. und teilweise 18. Jahrhunderts auf dem Gebeit der kroatischen Länder entstanden. Zunächst werden die Falben solcher Werke analysiert, so dass all narrativen Werke in Versen, die in diesem Zeitraum entstanden, in vier Gruppen eingeteilt werden: 1. historische Epen; 2. Gelegenheitswerke, die ein aktuelles Ereignis besingen; 3. religöse epen; 4. versifizierte Erzählungen, d. h. kleinere narrative Texte in Versen mit Geschichten von den Privatwelten der Helden und Heldinnen. Nach der Nalyse der thematischen Komponenten wird das element der Fiktionalen in diesen Werken untersucht sowie die Bedeutung, die Kategorie des Fiktionalen in Bezug auf die mimetische Komponente in den einzelnen Gruppen hat. Im vierten Kapitel werden die Kompositionstyone in den narrativen Texten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts erörtert, wobei zu sehen ist, dass innovative Verfahren in der Kompositionsstrukturierung hauptsächlich von epen mit historischer Thematik eingbracht werden. Am Ende dieses Abschnittes werden kurz die häufigsten Erzählstrategien und Erzählerverfahren in allen Gruppen der analysierten epischen Werke behandelt. Im Schlussteil wird die Meinung borgetrgen, dass in der kroatischen LIteratur des 17. und teilweise des 18. Jahrhunderts sturkturell verschiedenartige werke verfasst wurden, dass manche dieser Werke sowohl nach den epischen welten, die sie erschaffen, als auch nach der Komposition und anderen elementen ausgesprochen traditionell, in der Tradition des Mittelalters oder der Renaissance verwuzelt sind, während andere Texte auf ausgesprochen neuen, modernen postischen Grundlagen gestaltet wurden. In solchen Werken die beschriebenen Welten äusserst politisiert dargestellt, die Kompositionsformen darin sind sehr komplex, das Weltbild unterliegt einem gewissen Relativismus, und auch der Stil ist oft neu, modern. Daher kann man scolche Werke als barock bezeichen.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- epika -- 17. stoljeće * hrvatska književnost -- epika -- 18. stoljeće * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Rišner, Vlasta
Naslov:Iskazivanje vremena u 'Svetoj Rožaliji' i 'Bogolyubnosti molitvenoj' Antuna Kanižlića
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 311-325
Sažetak:The category of time was especially signiticant to Antun Kanižlić. This is confirmed by the frequenca of occurence of hte noun 'vrime' (time), on its own or as part of a noun phrase of a prepositional phrase. This paper presents a study of the way in shich Kanižlić ecpressed time by one word or a word group (an adverbial), usinig examples from the two works differing in form and intention: a poem, 'Sveta Rožalija', and a prose work, the prayer book 'Boloyubnost molitvena' published in Buda 1813. The paper deals with adverbs and adverbials as determined by the initial criterion of description, i.e. meaning. The classification of adverbs in Croatian grammar shows that they have to be described semantically, while the small degree of redundancy and the optional character of adverbials also indicate the freater significance of content features compared to grammatical features...
Ključne riječi:Kanižlić, Antun - Sveta Rožalija' - 'Bogulyubnost molitvena' - vrijeme u književnosti * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Pavličić, Pavao
Naslov:Kozmološki aspekti Osmana
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 199-218
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Kosmologie Aspekte des 'Osman' : Von der frage ausgehend, welcher Art die Welt ist, in der sich die Handlung dieser Dichtung Gundulićs abspielt, schliesst der Autor, dass diese welt die From einer Ellipse hat, die vom Barock auch sonst vorgezogen wird. einerseits hat das historische Universum zwei Brennpunkte, den christlichen und den moslemischen, beziehungsweise Vladislav und Osman als deren Träger. Andererseits haben zwei andere Brennpunkte Einfluss auf diese welt, der göttliche und der infernalische. Dabei scheint auch jeder einzelne in solch einer Welt eine Ellipse darzustellen, da er Gut und Böse, Körpeliches uhd Seelisches in sich hat. Aus der Spannung zwischen den verschiedenen Brennpunkten entsteht und entwickelt sich die Handlung der Dichtung, dock erwachsen daraus auch die Hauptschwierigkeiten in der Entfaltung der Handlung: Die Konzeption der Welt und die Konzeption des einzelnen in dieser Welt befinden sich in unversöhnlichem Widerspruch. Der Autor versucht, die meisten wesentlichen Eigenschaften von Gundulićs 'Osman' durch diesen Widerspruch zu erklären, indem er unterschiedliche Aspekte desselben behandelt.
Ključne riječi:Gundulić, Ivan -- Osman * hrvatska književnost -- epika -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Mihanović-Salopek, Hrvojka
Naslov:Osobitosti hrvatskoga glazbenog baroka na području hrvatske himnodije i orguljaške glazbe
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 295-301
Sažetak:In the domain of Coratiaan hymnody, which includes a collection of religious lyrical texts (translations of hymns and sacred songs) sung with the official permission fo the church hierarchy at liturgical services, an interesting contribution was made in Slavonia in the late Baroque period in hte 18th century. The activity of Antun Kanižlić was of crucial importance in hymnody (in the hymn books 'Bogoljubnost molitvena', 'Utočište Blaženoj Divici Mariji ugodno i prijetno'. 'Mala i svakompotrebna Bogoslovica'). Also of crucial importance was the work of Juraj Mulih (in the hymn books 'Bogoljubne pisme', 'Pobožne i navučene popevke', 'Duhovne peszme', 'Duhovne jačke', 'Nebeska hrana'). Certain stylistic features of the Baroque in Croatia can be traced through certain comparative stylistic figures and types of ormanentation in the domains of literature and music, especially organ music. Studying the laws of Baroque expression, Dr. Zoran Kravar has established that there was a tendendy for Maroque poets to transform proportinally all the content of a text as s whole using elements of figuration. The same featrue of this period applies to music, so that the abundant and frequent figuration and ornamentation of tones within the composition as a whole cease to act as phenomena of individual wonder becoming instead a constant feature and the point of the whole musical structure of the composition.
Ključne riječi:glazbeni barok - Hrvatska
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kvapil, Miroslav
Naslov:Gundulićev 'Osman' i 'Kraljevodvorski rukopis' : prologomena za komparaciju
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 221-229
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Gundulićs 'Osman und die Handsdchrift 'Kraljevodvorski rukopis' : Die tschechische Literaturwissenschaft befasse sich vielfach mit der Urheberschaft und der Struktur der Handschriften 'Kraljievodvorski rukopis' und 'Zelenogorski rukopis'. Während das Problem der Urheberschaft - wahrscheinlich - durch die Behauptung geklärt ist, die Handschrift sei von Vaclav Hanka an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht worden, befindet sich die Frage nach den möglichen Montagequellen der genennten Handschriften noch immer im Mittelpunkt der tschechischen Literaturwissenschaft. Im Anschluss an die Arbeiten J. Dolanskis, der die Vorbilder und Vorlagen für 'Kraljevodvorski rukopis' und 'Zelenogorski rukopis' in den Werken M. M. Hersakovs und N. M. Karamzins entdeckte und auch auf mögliche Montagen aus Andrija Kačić Miošić hinweis, werdern in dieser Studie die möglichen Vorbilder und Anregungen Hankas durch Gundulićs 'Osman' ergänzt. Ausgehend von der Tatscache, dass V. Hanka den 'Osman' kannte, analysiert der Text übereinstimmende Motive und Stileme aus dem 'Osman' eiinerseits und aus den bedeutendsten Liedern der Handschrift 'Zelenogorski rukopis', "Pjesma pod Višeegradom" und "Libušin sud", andererseits.
Ključne riječi:Gundulić, Ivan -- Osman * hrvatska književnost * barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Matanović, Julijana
Naslov:Kanavelićev 'Sveti Ivan biskup trogirski', generičko čitanje
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 231-246
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Kanavelićs' Sveti Ivan' : Die bisherigen Arbeiten, die in der Analyse von Kanavelićs 'Sveti Ivan biskup trogirski' ('Der Heilige Johannes, Bischof von Trogir') auch auf desen Gattingsbestimmung eingingen, konnten bei diesem Epos drei Hauptkomponenten hervorheben: die religiöse, die heroisch-historische und die romantische. Mit einer solchen Gattungsanalyse ist es unmöglich, der Gattungskomplexität von Kanavelićs Text vollkommen gerecht zu werden. Die morphologische Lektüre des Epos, die der Epos, die der genologischen vorausing und eine Einteilung der Gesänge im thematische Blöcke ergab, zeigte eine vielzahl darin vohandener Sprecher auf, die im komplexer Weise auftreten. Hebt man die durch Sprecer, Sprechsitutaion und Sprechperspektive bestimmten narrativen Abschnitte einzeln hervor, so stösst man uzallerst auf eine Sprechvielschichtigkeit, während die Geschichten selbst, die durch Sprecher mehrerer Ebenen verwirklich werden, das in zwei grosse narrative Felder (I.-XIX., XX.-XXIV.) organisierte thematische System erhellen. Die morphologische Analyse deutet ebenfalls auf Gattungskomplexität hin. In den Betonung des Grundthemas von Kanavelićs Epos, ein Christentum gegen das andere, wird der Boden bereitet für die Kernfrage, die das gattungstheoretischhe Lesen leitet: In welchen Gattungen werden einzelne, auf verschiedenen Darstellungsebenen verwirkliche Textpartien ausgesprochen, und ist nich der grösste Teil des Textes anhand der Grundsätze kirchlicher Redekunst realisiert? Die Gattungsanalyse von Kanavelićs Epos erweis, dass die bedeutensten Teile des Epos nach dem Vorbild sprachlicher Prozeduren des christilichen Rituals gestaltet sind. Diese Prozeduren, nach denen sie verwirklicht wurden, teilten wir hinsichlitch ihrer thematischen, kompositionstechnischen und stilistischen Charakteristika in drei Grupen: rituelle Sprechakte (Gebet, Beichte, Klage, Schelte, Glaubensbekenntnis, Gelübde), Ans¨tze krichlicher Redekunst (Predigt, Litanieaufzählungen) und Formen der religiös.didaktischen Literatur (Glaubensbelehrung und Abhandlung).
Ključne riječi:Kanavelić, Petar - Sveti Ivan biskup trogirski * hrvatska književnost * barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Pavličić, Pavao
Naslov:Manirizam i barok : jedno ili dvoje?
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 49-72
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:Manierismus und Barock - eine oder zwei Epochen : Bei dem Versuch, die im Titel gestellte Frage zu beantworten, konstatiert der Autor zunächst, dass es uwei Autorengenerationen der Postrenaissance gibt, die nach der Behandlung dreier wichtiger poetischer Fragen unterschieden werden könen: nach dem Bezug zwischen Literatur und Wirklichkeit, dem Bezug des neuen Werks zur Tradition und dem Bezug des Werks zu sich selbst. In der ersten Generation - die der Autor manieristisch nennt - gelten diese drei Fragen als ausserordentlich wichtig und offen und verden innerhalb der liteerarischen Texte selbst gestellt und bveantwortet: innerhalb des Manierisumus sind sehr häufig Werke anzutreffen, die mit dem Bezug zwischen Literatur und Wirklichkeit spielen, Werke die einen ausdrücklichen intertextuallen Bezug zur Verwirklichungen aus der Tradition herstellen, sowie Werke, in dennen ein starker autothematischer Zug sichtbar wird oder in denen poetische Betrachtungen auftreten. In der zweiten generation - die der Autor Barock nennt - gelten die gestelleten Fragen als gelöst: der Bezug ur Wirklichkeit wird nicht porvlematisiert, sondern es wird versucht, mit Hilfe der Literatur auf die Realität Einfluss zu nehmen; mit der tradition wird kein Dialog hergestellt, die Auswahl ist vielmehr schon getroffen, einige traditionelle Komponenten werden adaptiert, andere verwoften; die Werke sind nicht mer automatisch, weil den Schrifstellern gut bekannt zu sein scheint, was Zweck und was winn der Literatur ist. Der Au8tor zieht den Schulss, dass Manierismus und Barock nicht eine, sondern zwei untershiedliche Epochen darstellen und belegt seine Beobachtungen mit Beispielen aus der europäischen und vor allem aus der kroatischen Literatur.
Ključne riječi:manirizam * barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kravar, Zoran
Naslov:Književnost 17. stoljeća i pojam "barok"
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 7-48
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts und der Barockbegriff : Der literarische Barockbegriff befindet sich stets in Mwiespalt zwischen eignen universalistischen Ansprüchen und lokalen (manchman nationalen, manchmal sogar ergionalen) Tendenzen, die in dem con ihm zu umfassenden literaturgeschichtlichen Material zu beobachten sind. Der Barockbegriff wurde in dei literaturwissenschaftliche Terminologie eben als die Kategorie eingeführt, mit deren Hilfe das Gemeinsame in den einzelnen LIteraturen des 17. Jhs. sichtbar gemacht werden sollte. Deswegen ist in jedem konkreten Fall seiiner Anwendung auch eine Aussage über die Beziehung der jeweilinen literarischen Tatsache zur Gesamtheit der europäischen Literatur des 17. Jhs. mitgegeben. Andererseits ist es nicht zu übersehn, dass die europäischen Literatur des 17. Jhs. keinen gleichförmigen synchronen Zustand bilden, in dem überall die Auswirkungen gleicher literarischer normen festzustellen sind. Es erhebt sich also die Frage: wie ist der literarische Barockbegriff zu deuten, um seinen Umfang auf die Tatsachen zu beschränken, die auf alle europäischen Literaturen des 17. Jhs. gleichmässig verteilt sind? Hier wird die Möglichkeit erwogen, die Auflösung dieser Frage durch die Begrenzung des Barockbegriffs auf die Phänomene im Bereich des literarischen Stils zu erreichen.
Ključne riječi:književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Malinar, Smiljka
Naslov:Opis osjetila u "Adoneu"
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 73-119
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:La descrizione degli organi dei sensi nell' "Adone" (VI, 24-38, 111-121 E VII, 124-130) : Marino tratta l'argomento nei canti VI, VII e VIII, rifacendosi ad alcuni motivi fondamentali del genere essameronico, assunti tuttavia in chiave erotico-profana. Cio che colpisce nel discorso mariniano - distinguendolo da quello degli altri cultori dello stesso genere - il Tasso, il Passero, iil Du Bartas, e sopratutto il Murtola - e il carattere tecnico delle descrizioni e la masiccia presenza di termini scientifici desunti dai trattati anatomici dell'spoca. Tuttavia, un considerevole numero di tali termini - che in orgine erano matafore - viene rimetaforizzato, applicando "a ritroso" ilmedesimo procedimento di cui si erano serviti gli anatomisti derivandoli, come denominazioni dscientifiche, da parole dil linguaggio comune. Per cui, nel testo mariniano, alla visione scientifica dell'oggetto si sovrappone incessantemente anche una sua immagine fantasticamente deformata e surreale. Ma il discorso scientifico non e presente in tali passi unicamente come riserva di argomentazioni e termini specialistici, bensi rappresenta il modello cui Marino si atteiene anche agli altri livelli espressivi del testo. Percio le descrizioni anatomiche sono contestuale sottostante, quali ad es. le metafore concettische: (ancora in tratto che lo differenza dagli altri autori essameronici). Esse invece vengono accolte nei brani piu esclusivamente letterari da cui sono assenti precisi riferimenti scientifici. L'assunzione del discorso scientifico a modello di letterarizzazione dei temi di sua competenza primaria, rappresenta - implicitamente - anche l'affermazione della scienza come sistema conoscitivo dotato di valore intrinseco e autonomo - atteggiamento non privo di carica eversiva nei confronti dell'ideologia ufficale dell'epoca controriformistica.
Ključne riječi:barok * Marino G.B. * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Batušić, Nikola
Naslov:Elementi scenske fantastike u dubrovačkoj drami 17. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 249-265
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Elemente szenischer Phantastik im Dubrovniker Drama des 17. Jahrhunderts : Die ausgeprägte Fiktionalität des barocken Dramas verlangt aucg eine aussergwöjnliche fiktionale Fähigkeit der barocken Bühne. Die szenische Phantastik als erstes Merkmall des MAnierisums im Dubrovniker Drama ist schon in den Zwischenspielen in Držićs Drama 'Hekuba' zu bemerken. Die echte barocke 'meraviglia' tritt dann in den Jugenddramen gundulićs sehr stark zum Vorschein, insbesondere in 'Prozerpina ugrabljena od Plutona'. Diese Eigenschaft des barocken Theaters, diese besondere optische Qualität ist im Dubrovniker Drama von allem nach Erscheinen des Buches 'Pratica di fabricar Scene e machine ne'Teatri' (1637/1638) zu verzeichnen, dessen Verfasser, der berühmte italienische Bühnenbildner und Bühnenarchitekt Nicola Sabbattini, einen aussergewöhnlichen Einfluss auf das gesamte europäische Theater des Barock ausübte. So trägt das Theaterschaffeen Junije Palmotićs, der mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit jenes Werk kannte, Kennzeichen der barocken szenischen 'meraviglia', während die barocke szenische Phantastik bei seinem Nachfolger Autun gleđević zu einem bedeutsamen Stilmittel wird. Aufgrund der analysierten Beispiele darf man schliessen, dass das kroatische Drama im Dubrovnik des 17. Jahrhunderts ddie Elemente der barocken szenischen Phantastik sukzessiv als einen wesentlichen Teil seiner literarischen und szenischen Struktur akzeptierte.
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost -- drama -- scenska fantastika -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Machiedo, Mladen
Naslov:Suho zlato odbljeska : konačno i beskonačno u jednoj noveli Francesca Pone
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 121-133
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:Lind'oro dei riverberi (finito e infinito in una novella di Francesco Pona) : L'autore prende in seame la novella 'Lindori' (inserita nel romanzo 'Ormondo', 1653) del veronese Francesco Pona (1599-1655), collocabile in un periodo di repensamento, quasi a uguale distanza dalla "scandalosa" 'Lucerna" giovanile (1625) e dalla sua posteriore palinodia ('L'antilucerna', 1648). Per quanto 'Lindori' dia l'impressione d'essere un testo cautamente "privato", estraneo ai problemi esterni, un confroto con F. Argelate (autore settecentesco) il quale tratta, piu tardi, quasi lo stesso periodo nella stessa geografia, puo suggerire, in Prona, una lettura tra le righe riguardante il dominio storico veneziano dell'isola di Candia, preda imminente dei turchi. A differenza dei modelli boccacceschi, la novella inizia (non si conclude) con la conquista della donna amata per svilupparsi successivamente nei dilemmi cangianti d'un disorientato desiderio maschile. Ne arricchiscono altresi la struttura antitesi affettive, ondeggiamenti semattici e l'asse paradigmatico commiato-perdono (opposto alla vendetta, altrove tipica, dell'abbandonata). Pona non si espoine pitu ai rischi della memeppsicosi (fu l'anima-"cornice" a collagere circolarmente i corpi peccaminose della 'Lucerna'), ma presenta in primo piano una protagonista che, nell'al di qua, prende occasionalmente "in prestito" vari corpi con cui potra fiaffermare ed accrescere il suo proprio valore "d'uso". Appartiene, infatti, a Lindori il tradizionale ruolo maschile di chi si traveste ed insegue; di fronte alla barocca donna arriva, il ruolo passivo (ex-ruolo ramminile) non puo che essere assunto dal cavaliere senza nome, alquanto manierista nel rimanere perpetuamente stupito. Tra Candia, Zacinto, Corfu, Rovigno e Venezia (tali le rappe del viaggio, non prive di valori ambientali e tecniche precisazioni marinaresche), Lindori - ignota e nota - appare sette volte al fuggitivo, lasciandolo sempre piu incerto circa l'autenticita dei "replicati fantasmi"...
Ključne riječi:Pona, Francesco -- Lindori * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Bratulić, Svetlana
Naslov:"L'ile enchantée' u Palmotićevom baroknom teatru
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Ključne riječi:Palmotić J. * hrvatska književnost * barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Roić, Sanja
Naslov:Pjesništvo Giambattiste Vica u svjetlu talijanske barokne poezije
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 135-155
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:La poesia di G. B. Vico alla luce della poesia barocca italiana : L'autrice si propone di stabilire e prendere in esame alcune relazioni che intercorrono tra l'epoce letteraria barocca in Italia (piu specificamente, la sua variante napoletana) e una parte dell'opus poetico del grande filosofo Giambattista Vico. Anche se il raffronto - da una parte per il mito del proprio isolamento creato, a quanto sembra, dello stesso autore, e dall'altra per l'influsso del croacianesimo in Italia - per lunghi anni era sembrato incompatibile, a pratire dagli anni '40 per merito di critici quali ad es. Flora, Anceschi comincia a profilarsi come assolutamente leggittimo. Il poetare barocco e stata la prima attivita creativa (e artistica) del grande filosofo italiano. Per un lungo arco di tempo i componimenti poetici di vario genere hanno "accompagnato" la sua prosa. Dalla prima canzone 'Affetti di un disperato' (1692) e attraverso il poema 'Giunone in danza' (1721) alcuni concetti, idee, o figure venivano ripresi nella produzione in prosa. Commenti, spiegazioni in proposito ma anche echi veri e propri sono ritrovabili non solo nell' 'Autobiografia' (1725-8), ma anche nel suo capolavoro, 'Principi di scienza nuova'. Quindi, nonstante il rifiuto delle proprie affinita, considerate per lo piu come giovanili, per le forme e lo stile barocco, l'analisi dei testi vichiani dimostra che l'origine di questo importante sistema dio pensiero va ricercata proprio nella sensibilita barocca, nel suo ambito firlessivo e nella suo poetica e che - allo stesso tempo - tale sistema segna pure il trascendere del barocco stesso.
Ključne riječi:Vico, Giambattista * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Budor, Karlo
Naslov:Igra riječima u svjetlu španjolske perceptive
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 157-176
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:el juego de palabras e la luz de la perceptiva espanola Barroca : En la abundante bibliografia relacionada con la teoria preceptivista espanola del Barrocco, por lo general, se nota un gran negligencia o, incluso, la total ausencia del fenómeno de los juegos de palabras, lo cual contradice su empleo muy ectenso en las obras literarias de la misma época. Esta situación paradójica se debe acaso a la inexistencia de la preceptiva barocca propiamente cisha, y - en su deficiencia - tal vez puede atribuirse a la suprevivencia y continuidad de ciertas normas renacentistas.
Ključne riječi:španjolska književnost * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Polić-Bobić, Mirjana
Naslov:Hispanoamerički roman XVII. stoljeća i književni barok
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 177-190
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:La novela en la América durante la época del Barroco : Este análisis intenta demostrar la función especifica que tuvo la novela en la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XVII. Fue el periodo en que tanto en la literatura espanola como en la hispanoamericana prevalecían caracterícas del estilo barroco. El desarrollo de la novela colonial habia sido marcado poe el impediento de importacíon, impresión y divulgación de novelas desde mediados del XVI hasta el fin de la Colonia. Por esto la historiografía literaria hispanoamericana a menudo descuida también las pocal novelas escritas en América coloniaal como una especie de contrapeso a los postulados estéticos e ideológicos promovidos en la novela espanola. Las novelas analizadas, a saber: 'Los Sirgueros de la Virgen sin Original Pecado' di Francisco Bramón e 'Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez' de Carlos de Sigüenza y Gönora corrieron la suerte del resto, y se las explicaba ocasionalmente como ejemplos de imitación malograda de modelos literarios peninsulares. en este análisis se ha tratado de ponerlas en relación con las novelas de sus respectivos géneros (pastoril y picaresco), y demostrar el proceso de substitución de motivos socialmente aceptables en lugar de los no aceptables dentro de los esquemas narrativos conocidos por el público lector colonial. De esta manere se trató de combatir la influencia de aquella literatura espanola del barroco que pudiera danar la realización del proyecto que se habia propuesto la Corona de la uniformidad espiritual de su territorio ultramarino. No encontramos en estos textos trazas del estilo barroco; su evidente papel doctrinario interpretamos, sin embargo, como explicación de algunas facetas específicas del barroco en las Indias.
Ključne riječi:španolskoamarička književnost - 17. stoljeće * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Ciglar-Žanić, Janja
Naslov:Neki aspekti engleskog književnog baroka
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 191-223
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:Some aspects of English literary Baroque: formal mannerisms and their funcitons in English post-Renaissance poetry : The style of literary Baroque is distinguished, among other things, by some frequent and typical kinds of formal patterning of poetic text (formal mannerisms), such as anagram, acrostic, cryptogram, 'Carmen figuratum', 'versus rapportati', summation schema and similar kinds of compicated syntatic and acoustic patterns. Typical are also the intratextual functions of these formal patterns in Baroque texts as well as their intratextual position. Analyzing characteristic intratextual in english post-Renaissance poetry, their characteristic intratextual functions in particular, from the point of view of baroque literary norm, the article attempts to argue that english post-Renaissance literary production accommodates Baroque poetic principles to a much larger extent than has been recognized till now. Illustrative examples are found in both the poetry of english Metaphysical poets as well as in the poetry of their traditionally differently classified contemporaries. Due to its esceptional illustrative value the poetry of George Herbert has received partculary detailed critical attention. The implicit argument contained in the article is also that the assumption about the immanent working of the Baroque poetic ideal in english post-Renaissance poetry could considerably contribute towards finding more systematic and complete answers to some live questions of english literary history in its poet-Renaissance phase.
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost -- 17. stoljeće * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Bratulić, Josip
Naslov:Hrvatska barokna propovijed
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 279-295
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Die kroatische Barockpredigt : Vom 17. bis hin zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden zahlreiche gedruckte und handschriftliche Predigtbücher in der Epoche des Barock verfasst; manche stehen mehr, manche weniger unter dem Einfluss dieser stilistischen Bestimmung. Zu den aus dem čakavischen Bereich stammenden Autoren, die sich alle an den štokavischen Sprachtstrang annäherten, gehören Matija Alberti, Franjo Glavinić, Bartol Kašić, Aleksandar Komulović, Dominik Pavičić, der Übersetzer der Pradigten Ivan Campadelis. Dem Kajkavischen angehöring waren Ivan Belostenec, Hilarion Gašparoti, Juraj Habdelić, Nikola Krajačević, Baltazar Krčelić, Juraj Mulih, Matija Magdalenić, Baltazar Milovec, Juraj Ratkaj, Mihalj Šimunić, Fortunat Švagelj und andere. Die meisten kamen jedoch aus dem Štokavischen und legten in ihren Lektionarien und PRedigten den Werdegang der Schrift- und Liturgiesprache der Kroaten fest: Stjepan Badrić, Ivan Bandulavić, Josip Banovac, Đuro und Petar Bašić, Adam Tadija Blagojević, Fabijan und Stjepan Blašković, Vicko Bolić, Ardelio Della Bella, Marija Divković, Jerolim Filipović, Inocencio Grgić, Ivan Grličić, Filip Lastrić, Arkanđeo Kalić, Antun Kanižlić, Ivan Marević, Stjepan Margitić, Ivan Marki, Pavao Posilović, emerik Pavić, Ivan Josip Pavlović-Lučić, Bernando Zuzorić und viele andere. Da die Predigt eine Form ist, die sich unmittelbar, lebendig undklad an die Menschen wendet, ist bei den kroatischen Predigern von. 17 Jahrhundert ah mehr oder weniger ein Zug der traditionellen Rhetorik der Antike mit ausgepr¨gten Anwandlungen von Asianismus zu spüren. Darüber werden genauere Untersuchungen ein bestimmters Urteil abgeben können. Seit der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts bis heute bildete die Predigt die gesprochene und geschriebene Sprache heraus, da sie am hüfigsten und unmittelbarsten mit einer grossen Zahl von Zuhörern und Sprechern kommunizierte, was in gleisher Weise für die Volkspredigt gilt wie für den Widerhall, den Predigten bei Feierlichkeiten, Volksfesten und rituellen Versammlungen in der Volkssprache finden.
Ključne riječi:barok -- Hrvatska -- propovjedi
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Paščenko, Jevgenij
Naslov:Juraj Križanić u kontekstu baroknoga doba
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 297-310
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Sažetak:Juraj Križanić im Kontext des Barockzeitalters : Juraj Križanić wird als eine der markantesten Persönlichkeiten der kroatischer Kultur des Barockzeitalters gedeutet. Die Zugehörigkeit dieses Dichters zum Barock offenbart sich in den fromalen typologischen Eigenschaften seines Schaffens, in seiner Weltanschauung, in der Aussergewöhnlichkeit seines Schicksals. Die ideelee Dominante des Wirkens J. Krišćanićs - des Sčaventun - stellt eine der herausragenden Eigenschaften im Streben der slavischen Kultur im 17. Jh., bekannt unter dem Begrif des barocken Slavismus, dar. Die Wurzeln von Križanićs Slavismus liegen in seiner heimatlichen Kulturtradition gegründet, aber auch in den gemeinslavischen Bestrebngen des Barockzeitalters. Diese Bestrebungen rücker in einem besonderen KOntext, wenn wir sie aus dem Blickwinkel der kulturellen und politischen beziehungsweise religiösen Situation der Ukraine im 17. Jahrhundert betrachten. Es ist keinesfalls ein Zufall, dass der kroatische Verfechter der Vereinigung der Kirchen zu Lebzeiten am engsten mit den Ukrainern verbunden war. In der Ukraine traf er auf Anfänger wie auch auf Gegner der Krichenunion. Die Kenntnis der ukrainischen Situation beeinflusste die Evolution der Ansichten Križanićs über die Union. Einen besondern Platz in der Erörterung von Križanićs Barockheit nimmt die Stilanalyse seiner 'Politika' ein. Dieses Werk wird gattungsmässig als ein typischer Vertreter der oratorischen Prosa mit spezifischen Merkmalen der schöpferischen Individualität Križanićs interpretiert.
Ključne riječi:Križanić, Juraj * hrvatska književnost - 17. stoljeće - 18. stoljeće * književni barok
UDK:821.163.42.02 Križanić, J.
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Mesinger, Bogdan
Naslov:Barokno lice kuge
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 269-280
Sažetak:The relationship between a theme and the way it is structured stylistically is, in principle, arbitrary, like the relationship between the signifier and the signified within the structure of a sign. However, this relationship is highly complex, subtle, stratified, and dynammic. There is, iin principle, a dynamic mutual interaction within every sign. It changes with time, which means that we are dealing with a historical (rather than a historic) category within which historicity is constituted. What are the historical lews that make a theme historically relevant and release its latent tension in a certain moment of time, stratify it (from a physical to a spiritual and doctrinary drama), and transform it into a king of thematic 'leitmotif' of an epoch? An attempt has been made to answer this question by examining different ways of structuring stylistically one of the most dramatic themes there are: the plague...
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska - književna tema kuge * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Tatarin, Milovan
Naslov:Struktura 'Svete Rožalije' Antuna Kanižlića u optici Greimasovog semiotičkog četverokuta
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 253-266
Sažetak:Kanižlić's religious poem is rabling in structure, with seak links among the individual elements. At the first reading, the existence of some parts can hardly be justified within the poem as a whole. By applying the semantic axis and the semiotic square as suggested and developed by Algirdas Julien Greimas, it is shown that these segments, which are apparently superfluous, are in fact functional since it is through them that the pole of the textual frid which was not dealt with by Gundulić, Đorđić and Bunić is realized. This is the pole named "radical negativity". In Kanižlić's interpretation it brings together blocs of an allegorical character in which the theme deals with worldly temptations.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * Kanižlić, Antun - Sveta Rožalija - Greimas, A. J. * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Benčić, Živa
Naslov:Barok i klasicizam u 'Razmyšlenijah o Božiem veličestve' M.V. Lomonosova
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 225-244
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Ključne riječi:klasicizam * Lomonosov M.V. * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Naslov:Hrvatski književni barok (okrugli stol. Zagreb, 13-14. listopada 1989) : završni razgovor
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 315-332
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost * barok
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Brlenić-Vujić, Branka
Naslov:Model pučkog smijeha u Kanižlićevoj 'Svetoj Rožaliji' i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 233-251
Sažetak:The aim of this paper is to open up the possibility of finding similarities, as well as differences, in examples of the Croatian literary Baroque and 18th-century Slavonian literatrue. The Baroque, with its passionate cry expressing the fear of God, and the Rococo, with its ornate question mark, are two different ways of looking at things. The semantics of this sign system expresses not only the outer form of a culture, but also the life-giving forces that make possible its historical sequence. Plebian laughter, by travestying the Rococo ornament in a creative game, releals the other side of poetic images, flaunting its uproarious mirth like a garland, because it is conscious ot the ephemerality of life and the superiority of laughter. By setting two world views one against the other, Kanižlić uses laughter as a discovery of the human comoedy in the reverse image of a ray light mirroring the divine domedy and as a self-contained Rococo ornament of the indigenous popular culture against the background of the West european spiritual milieu. The awakening of popular emotion as the essential signigificance of Western european art is found in the Epiphany image of light filling the eyes of a man on his journey through life, which he wishes to harmonize in the human sense by means of laughter. This in the loonging of Man to find his paradise here on earth. Rococo shatters this longing. In the popular pleveian consciousness, Earth laughs at Haven, and thea ngelic key at the gates of the heavenly city stops at the cave of "Saint Rosalie" as the key to good and evil, light and darkness. The devilish simultaneity of the world as illusion abd the reality behind it, of true and false love, and of the idea of beauty as the visible picture of virtue as opposed to sin are all entwined in the Rococo garland found in the wonaton Slavonian humorous-fibald folk song with its dithyrambic drunken toast, chaotically broken down by the infuriated Reljković and Došen's reel. The ponderous vocal iinstruments of the visual, acoustic and semantic elements play a scherzo of inner disintegration, wantonly merging into each other with their shrill cries, dissolving in the ecstasy of the ornate Rococo question mark and Barocque ruinism. The special geology and semiology of a flat landscape linked to pleveian background is found in the imagery of a drunken humorous-ribald folk song in which, chastened by Reljković's admonition and Došen's sermon, the tambura, a kind of string instrument, laments sadly, expressing regret and repentance, searching tor the light of Order in the darkness. Asceticism complemented by Katančić's refinde rococo garland "with a tambura in ins hands" shich "melts the heart, lamenting softly" in the chokihg wantonness of the scherzo sung by Kanižlić's nightingale is in the harmony of a lark. The plebeian laughter of the straight line gone haywire in the Rococo curve as opposed to the highly ordered world if the earthly and heavenly garden sees its ending in the ornate question mark and the arabesque, roaring with laughter at the very art of the Rococo. The hifht of Došen's, Ivanošić's and Josip Stjepan Reljaković's enema, Mozart, too, made music with charming lewdnessm with the art of sounds made by his arse. Healthy plebeian laughter remains vibrating in the face of the ideal premnise of peace, symmetry, moral and esthetic order, reason and discipline, leaving to the home ludens a Theatrum Mundi suspended between the earthly and the heavenly gardens. The world as an image and a copy. Man in an ambiguous situation. In this choice lies all our freedom.
Ključne riječi:Kanižlić, Antun - Sveta Rožalija - pučki smijeh * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Horvat, Anđela
Matična publikacija:Barok u Hrvatskoj / napisali Anđela Horvat, Radmila Matejčić, Kruno Prijatelj
Impresum:Zagreb : Liber ; Odjel za povijest umjetnosti Centra za povijesne znanosti ; Društvo povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske ; Grafički zavod Hrvatske ; Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1982, (Str. 134-157)
Ključne riječi:barok - slikarstvo * libri - 2220
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka povijesti umjetnosti

Autor:Šundalić, Zlata
Naslov:Molitva u Kanižlićavu stvaralaštvu
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 221-230
Sažetak:A detailed description of Kanižlic's work mentions his religious books (prayer books, catechism) which were, until today, relatively unknown. this injustice is recently redressed by Zoran Kravar in his works on the old Slavonian literature. He draws our attention to the interpretation of liturgical poetical works scattered in Kanižlic's orayer books, remain, in spite of all research efforts, alomost untouched. The prayer which appearc not only in his prayer-books, but also in Sveta Rožalija clearly shows. That the previously mentioned segments should not be neglected. Maybe it is too daring to claim that the link between Rožalija and Kanižlic's religious books is constituted by the means of theoretical consideration of the text, but to observe the prayer in Rožalija, one most be familiar with the way in which the writer himself thinks about it. If "to pray" means "to lift lur mind and heart toward God" (p. 634) and if we pray in order to "praise God, thank Him or ask Him for something" (p. 634), then our statement is confirmed by Rožalija. Her prayers suggest that she turns to God, and a subject of her prayer (thanks, request, praise, praise of God) suggests its cause. From the aspect of the theory of communication the prayer can be determined in three ways: by the sender (the one who prays - Molitva tome Akvinskog), by the recipient of the message (the one to whom the mesage is directed. Molitva Ocu Nebeskome) and by the message itself (the subject of prayer - Molitva za kralja). But if we skip all of this, we can say that the prayer in Kanižlić's literary work has three forms: 1. liturgical/cannonized form (Lord's prayer, Hail Mary); 2. improvised form (adjusted to the situation) and 3. literary form (besides pragmatical parts, this form contains also an aesthetic dimension). Forst two forms are typical for prayer-books (is for their prosaical parts) and the third one appears in Rožalija as well as in other liturgical poetical texts incladed in prayer books. Therefore, in order to fully understand Sveta Rožalija it is not enough to be familiar only with kanižlić's liturgical poetical texts scattered in prayer books, but one must be places which explain certain moments in the story if the "maiden from Palermo", at least when we speak about the prayer.
Ključne riječi:Kanižlić, Antun -- molitve * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Fališevac, Dunja
Naslov:Barokni postupci u kompoziciji Gundulićeva 'Osmana'
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 247-289
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Sažetak:Barockverfahren der Komposition von gundulić's 'Osman' : IN diesem Artikel werden die epischen Integration zweier Hauptthemen des Epos - das der Schlacht bei Chocim und das des Todes Osmans - in eine einheitliche epische Struktur analysiert. Die Analyse jeder einzelnen episode, in der erzählt, berichtet oder beschrieben wird, zeigt das Thema der Schlacht bei Cocim, dass Gundulić jeden einzelen Aspekt dieses Themas mit dem Thema der Handlung, welches sich in der realie epischen gegenwart entwickelt, auf sehr artifizielle und manieristische weise verbindet. Und zwar füght Gundulić das Thema der Echlacht bei Cocim so in das epos ein, dass er verschiedene Ereignisse, die zu diesem Thema geröhen, in ein andres künstlerisches Medium - welches - erst so transponiert ein Gegenstand der literarischen Beschreibung wird, transponiert. Auf diere Weise gehen die vergangenen Ereignisse immer so kontextuell mit der Narration über die Gegenwart der epischen Handlung verbunden in das Epos ein, dass sie ein vom Epos untrennbarer Teil werden. Indem sie - transponiert in ein andres künstlerisches Medium - (bild, Lied, oder ähnliches) - in das Epos eingeher, werden die realen historischen zeitgenössuscem barocke weise integriert und werden auf der Ebene der Zeit und des Raumes des epos Bestandteile der epischen Struktur...
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost * Gundulić, Ivan - Osman * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Nebessny, Tatjana
Naslov:Prilozi za bibliografiju radova o hrvatskom književnom baroku
Matična publikacija:Hrvatski književni barok / uredila Dunja Fališevac; str. 335-376
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991
Ključne riječi:bibliografija * hrvatska književnost * barok
UDK:821.163.42.02 + 01
Signatura82.02 HRV
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Novak, Slobodan Prosperov
Naslov:'Ači i Galatea' Džore Palmotića
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 293-308
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Ključne riječi:Palmotić, Dž. * hrvatska književnost * književni barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Žigić, Ormerka
Naslov:Dvije prigodne pjesme Josipa Krmpotića
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 119-136
Sažetak:There are only a few papers wrotten on the poet Josip Krmpotić, and they were made mostly at the end of the last and at the beginning of this century. His literary work consists of wight panegyric poems. Krmpotić praises thereprominent persons such as the emperor Joseph II and the Russian czarina Vatherine II, or contemporary events and their heroes. krmpotić dedicated his first poem to the eminent merchant from Temesvár, in whose house he stayed in 1783. this panegyric poem is devided in three parts, each of which its own subtitle (1. Mallenica po naputi vile sve ucfsini, 2. Mallenica gospodu na veselye zove i 3. Gospoda sobedvaju, i veselese u gaju). It was composed in decasyllabic lines (512 of them) which were printed as couplets. There is no doubt that the oral poetry affected both the form and the content of this poem where the usage of the form of the epic poem in decalyllabic lines, its verse and composition point at Krmpotić's familiarity with the oral poetry either in its original form or through Kačić's poetic work. Krmpotić knew well Slavonian baroque poet Antun Kanižlić and already in his first poem took example by him. Krmpotić's description of the decoration of a maiden's hair is very interesting. It is composed in the baroque spirit under the strong influence of Kanižlić's "Sveta Rožalija", especially its second part of the fourth chapter subtitled as "Rožalije se ktiti uze prid ogledalom", Kanižlić's influence is also obvious in Krmpotić's usage of some conventional adornments of the baroque style. One of the best Krmpotić's poems - "Pjesma Cernogorcem izpievana i vojovodi filipu od Vukassovich pripjevana" was made at the time of Vukasović's raid of Monte Negro. The poem tells about the resevation and mistrust of the bishop Petar I Petrović to the Austrian offer tofight the Turks together. The poem consists of 252 verses and is devided into two parts. The first part contains the proclamation of the fairy written in 180 decasyylabic lines whish wppear as couplets rhyming aab, then follows the second part of the poem where in 72 octosyllabic lines (18 stanzes with 4 verses rhyming abab) is expressed the joy of Montenegrins with which they greeted Filip Vukasović. Important role in forming of the poem had the oral tradition which can be seen in the presence of syntagms, similes, metaphors or phases characteristic for the oral tradition. Krmpotić uses the style typical for the oral epical tradition which means takiing distance from the real lige. these two panegyric poems contain typical features of the poetry of that time such as baroque rhetoric and hyperbolic praises. so, although Krmpotić is not particulary significant poet, his talent and contribution to the Slavonian literature of 18. century cannot be denied.
Ključne riječi:Krmpotić, Joso - lirika * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Krmpotić, J.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Kravar, Zoran
Naslov:Predmeti i znakovi u tematskom svijetu 'Svete Rožalije'
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 207-218
Sažetak:The Baroque character of literary works is traditionally evaluated on the basis of their stylistic makeup, i.e. by analyzing their figurative expression. An abundance of figures such as metaphors and antitheses is usually seen as a sure symptom of the Baroque. From the sixties to the rpesent, mostly under the influence of M. Foucault's thesis that the early modern era was a period of "analogical epistemia", a thematological criterion cegan to be included among the features of the literary Baroque. According to this criterion, it is supposed to be characteristic of a Baroque work of literature, or, more precisely, of its thematic world, that objects in it are transformed into signs. this leads to the theoretical conslusion that the Baroque was a time of an "all-sign approach to reality" (Smirnov). Applied to a broad corpus of literary texts written around the year 1600 and later, the thesis about the semantization of objects within the horizon of Baroque opetry is shown to be limited. It can be checked positively on the corpus of Central european emblematic 17th-century literature, and is also supposed the results of research on part of the Eastern Slavic literature written in the same period. however, the semantization of objects is a procedure foreign to some major works of Western european Baroque literature. These observations lead to the suspicion that the supposed of real traces of "analogical epistemia" in Baroque poetry may be a relic of earlier pre-Renaissance literary strategies and world views. Kanižlić's 'Sveta Rožalija' ('Saint Rosalie'), unlike most other texts in Croatian literature after 1600, is a work in which literal descriptions of given objects mingle unpredictably with an exposition that insists on the significant background of certain phenomena. Both these "cognitive styles" occur in separate parts of the poem, which are equiped with generic characteristic of unequal age. this makes Kanižlić's poem a highly suitable subject for thought as regards the border between the "descriptive" ane "interpretative" approaches to reality and on their literary-historical status and origin.
Ključne riječi:Kanižlić, Antun - Sveta Rožalija * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Batušić, Nikola
Naslov:Drama i kazalište u Katančićevoj 'Knjižica o ilirskom pjesništvu izvedenoj po zakonima estetike'
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 191-197
Sažetak:In his poetics, Katančić classifies poetry int four categories: narrative, dramtaic, musical and didactic. It is interesting to not that, in his view, 'dramatic poetry' is slco 'active poetry', and that he attempts to explatin theoretically what is 'drama' as a specific literary genus and what are specific characteristic of its performance on stage. Katančić, therefore, speaks simultaneously as someone familiar with dramaturgy and as an author familiar with some aspects of the practice of staging a play. Defining drama by a clear reference to Aristotle's well-known definition, katančić declares himself to be a confirmed classicist. In this respect he was indubitably following contemporary european dramturgical trends. This is the least original segment of his thinking about drama. More interesting is Katančić's discussion of theatrical practice, or, as he says, 'performances for audiences'. Here, in accordance with the significance and status acquired by the theatre in the 18th century, regardless of its Classicist of Baroque characteristics, he apostrophizes the Aristotelian opsis as an essential component of the perception of a dramatic work of art. Katančić then goes on to classify kinds of drama into 'tragedy, coomedy and opera'. His descriptions of tragedy and comedy are not especially interesting, because he paraphases the earlier literature, but his description of the pera, perhaps the first in Croatian theatrology, may be supposed to contain some personal impressions and experiences. Quite in keeping with the Classicist principles about the theatre as a "moral institute", later to be taken over by Dimitrije Demeter in the preface fo this 'Dramatička pokusenja' (1838), katančić had a far higher opinion of theatre based on a literary model than of theatre which was a result of improvisation, or which was, as he termed it, "corporeal". Katančić often used the terminology of theoretical dramturgy, not only in Chapters 16,7 and 18 of the fourth part of his 'Booklet...', but also in the parts that do not deal expressly with draama and the theatre. thus he talks of anagnorisis, polt, denouement, etc. Although not long, the parts of Katančić's 'Booklet...' dealing with the drama and the theatre represent a valuable example of now the Classicist dramturgical canons of the best European tradition were transfered to Croatia, which could not have remained unknown to Croatian theorists and practitioners ant the beginning of the Croatian National Revival.
Ključne riječi:Katančić, Marija Petar - 'Knjižica o ilirskom pjesništvu izvedenoj po zakonima estetike' * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Katančić, M. P.
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Fališevac, Dunja
Naslov:Dubrovnik - otvoreni i zatvoreni grad : studije o dubrovačkoj književnoj kulturi / Dunja Fališevac
Impresum:Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak , 2007
Materijalni opis:335 str. ; 24 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Razotkrivanja
Napomena:Str. 333: Bilješka o autorici. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Kazalo imena / sastavila Andrea Radošević
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost - studije * dubrovačka književnost - studije * Dubrovnik - književna kultura * Dubrovačka Republika - književna kultura * hrvatska književnost - fantastični, neobični i čudesni likovi * dubrovačka ranonovovjekovna književnost - fantastični, neobični i čudesni likovi * Nalješković, Nikola - poslanice * poslanica * Držić, Marin - smiješno i komično * sveti Vlaho - dubrovačka književnost - politički simbol * hrvatska književnost - barok - petrarkistički fenomen * dubrovačka književnost - barok - petrarkistički fenomen * dubrovačka književnost - barok - poljske teme * Poljska - književne teme - dubrovačka barokna književnost * hrvatska epika - barok - opisi svečanosti * dubrovačka književnost - barok - epika - opisi svečanosti * frančezarije - jezik * Moliere - dubrovačka književnost - prijevodi * dubrovačka književnost - 18. st. - trivijalna književnost * Dubrovnik - književne teme - hrvatsko pjesništvo - 20. st. * Bunić Vučić, Ivan * Dimitrović, Nikola * Držić, Marin * Đurđević, Ignjat * Gundulić, Ivan * Hektorović, Petar * Kanavelić, Petar * Palmotić, Junije * Palmotić Dionorić, Jaketa * Vetranović, Mavro
Sažetak:Dubrovnik - otvoreni i zatvoreni grad ; Granice mimesisa, granice fantastike: drukčija bića u književnosti staroga Dubrovnika ; Put u visoko društvo: poslanice Nikole Nalješkovića ; Stari Freud u posjetu Marinu Držiću (Smiješno i komično u Držića) ; Sveto za profano: sveti Vlaho kao politički simbol u književnosti staroga Dubrovnika ; Književno opremanje stana: barokni petrarkizam u hrvatskoj književnosti ; Gundulićev "varšavski pakt" (Polonofilski ideologemi i mitologemi u hrvatskoj baroknoj književnosti) ; Zavođenje sjajem i raskoši (Opisi svečanosti u dubrovačkoj baroknoj epici) ; Na koji su jezik Dubrovčani prevodili Molierea ; Kada je Hrvate književnost počela zabavljati? (Raslojavanje književnosti u Dubrovniku u 18. stoljeću) ; Slaga Gunduo o prošastju: Dubrovnik kao izazov hrvatskim liricima 20. stoljeća
Ostali autori / urednici:Radošević, Andrea
Signatura:SF 25425
Inventarni broj:74547, 74548, 74549
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor:Pavličić, Pavao
Naslov:Hrvatski barokni stih kao društvena pojava
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 11-30
Sažetak:After concluding that the literary Baroque is characterized by the need to make it more readily acceptable to the audience in order to be able to influence it, the author asks how this general tendency affected the way verse was used. He finds that an attempt to reach out to the audience was made in the use of verse, but that this was done in different ways in different Croatian regions. In the south, where literature was more highly developed and more independent of immediate social tasks, it was brought closer to the general public by the increasing use of octosyllabic verse, with which the audience was more familiar and which it found more readily acceptybe - while dodecasyllabic verse with a double rhyme was pushed into the background. In the north, where literature was more evidently linked to other social institutions, this process took the form of the gradual generic specialization of particular kinds of verse. In both regions - more markedly in the south, and in a rudimentary form in the north - two literary spheres emerged with regard to the social function of the text: literature for connoisseurs and literature for simple readers. Both had features of the literary baroque. The author suggests that the latter, i. e. the "lower" sphere be termed Popular Baroque.
Ključne riječi:barokni stih - Hrvatska * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 * 821.163.42.07
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Ciglar-Žanić, Janja
Naslov:Domišljato stvoren svijet : barok u engleskoj književnosti / Janja Ciglar-Žanić
Impresum:Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap , 2008
Materijalni opis:406 str. ; 21 cm
Jezik:hrvatski, engleski
Napomena:Usporedo engl. stihovi i hrv. prepjevi engleskih baroknih pjesnika J. Donnea, G. Herberta i A. Marvella. - Str. 383-400: Bibliografija ; bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Kazalo imena
Ključne riječi:engleska književnost - barok * barok - engleska književnost * englesko pjesništvo - 17. st. * barok - proučavanje * hrvatsko pjesništvo - barok - englesko pjesništvo
Sažetak:I. Uvod: o problemima pisanja književne povijesti ; II. Barok u kontinentalnoeuropskim književnopovijesnim proučavanjima ; III. Barok u anglo-američkim književnopovijesnim proučavanjima ; IV. Otpori usvajanju kategorije baroka u anglo-američkim književnopovijesnim proučavanjima engleske književnosti ; V. Koliko je metafizička engleska metafizička poezija? ; VI. Barok ili metafizička poezija: prividna antinomija ; VII. Barok kao stil: oblici i funkcije ; VIII. Formalni manirizmi u engleskom pjesništvu ranijeg 17. stoljeća ; IX. Stilski fenomeni sintaktičkog reda u engleskom pjesništvu ranijeg 17. stoljeća ; X. Zvukovni končeto: karakteristične figure ponavljanja u engleskom pjesništvu ranijeg 17. stoljeća ; XI. Stilski izbor ili jezična "fatalna Kleopatra": končetizam u engleskom pjesništvu ranijeg 17. stoljeća ; XII. Englesko i hrvatsko barokno pjesništvo: natuknice za jednu usporedbu ; XIII. Zaključak: barok kao književnopovijesno razdoblje u u engleskoj književnosti ranijeg 17. stoljeća ; XIV. Dodatak - Hrvatski prepjevi engleskih baroknih pjesnika J. Donnea, G. Herberta i A. Marvella ; <Donne, John><Marvell, Andrew><Herbert, George>
UDK:821.111.02 Barok
Ostali autori / urednici:Maras, Mate ; Lučin, Bratislav
Signatura:SF 118869
Inventarni broj:75378
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor:Tarle, Jere
Naslov:Recepcija baroka i klasicizma u francuskoj književnoj kulturi
Matična publikacija:Književni barok (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić i Dunja Fališevac; str. 309-339
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnoti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1988
Ključne riječi:klasicizam * francuska književnost * barok * književna razdoblja * književni pravci
Signatura82.02 KNJI
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Dukoć, Davor
Naslov:Povijesna epika u slavonskoj književnosti 18. stoljeća
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 31-48
Sažetak:The paper contains an analysis of eighteen-century Slavonian historical narrative poetry, i.e. descriptions of contemporary war and political events written in verse. Functional and axiological criteria are used to classify the corpus analyzed into three groups of kindred works as follows: 1) war chronicles in verse (Josip Pavišević, Blaž Bošnjak, Josip Stojanović). These works are aharacterized by the predominance of the referential or reporting function because they were a kind of substitute for newspaper reports in late 18th-century Slavonian literature. The narrative is distinugished by objectivity, factography and the absence of the procedure of Satanizind The Adversary.2) epic (heroic) encomia (Šimun Štefanac, Antun Ivanošić). The ayiological function takes precedence over the plot, but it extends only to members of the "Us" camp, while the Adverary mostly remains axiologically indeterminate. 3) political narrative verse (Joso Krmpotić). The three works by Krmpotić analysed in this paper are characterized by the presence of the persuasive function, explicit ideology (ideologemes of militant Christianity and ideologemes of pan-Slavism) and procedures of Satanizing the Adversary. Eighteen-century Slavonian historical narrative poetry in general is characterized by ideologemes of loyalty to the Habsburg court, the mixture of various entonyms of the identity of the "Us" camp (Croat, Slavonian, Illyrian), and the imitation of the phreseology and literary methods used by Kačić in his Razgovor ugodni. Elements of the baroque style may be observed in Krmpotić's works Katarine II i Jose II put u Krim and Pjesmi voevodam austrianskim i rosianskim, shich reveal the author's familiarity with GUndulić's Osman.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - povijesna epika * Krmpotić, Joso * Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Benčić, Živa
Naslov:Književni barok : (proučavanje baroka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu) / uredile Živa Benčić, Dunja Fališevac
Impresum:Zagreb : Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta , 1988
Materijalni opis:365 str. ; 23 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Zbornici / Zavod za znanost o književnosti
Napomena:Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Sažeci na više jezika. - Kazalo imena / sastavio Ivo Pranjković
Ključne riječi:barok - književnost - zbornik * manirizam * Pona, Francesco * Marino, Giambattista - Adone * Vico, Giambattista - pjesništvo * hispanoamerički roman - 17. st. - i književni barok * engleska književnost - barok * igre riječima * španjolska književnost - barok * figure * tropi * francuska kultura - recepcija baroka i klasicizma * Lomonosov, Mihail Vasil'evič - Razmišljanja o božjoj veličini * Gundulić, Ivan - Osman * Palmotić, Džore - Ači i Galatea * Krleža, Miroslav - barok
Sažetak:<Kravar, Zoran><Pavličić, Pavao><Malinar, Smiljka><Machiedo, Mladen><Roić, Sanja><Budor, Karlo><Polić Bobić, Mirjana><Ciglar-Žanić, Janja><Benčić, Živa><Fališevac, Dunja><Novak, Slobodan Prosperov><Tarle, Jere><Flaker, Aleksandar>
UDK:82.02 Barok
Ostali autori / urednici:Fališevac, Dunja ; Pranjković, Ivo
Signatura:SF 23375
Inventarni broj:57989, 57990, 57991, 64337
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor(i):Bojović, Zlata
Naslov:Renesansa i barok : studije i članci o dubrovačkoj književnosti / Zlata Bojović
Impresum:Beograd : Filološki fakultet : Narodna knjiga , 2003
Materijalni opis:310 str. ; 21 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Biblioteka Filolog ; knj. 12
Napomena:Fotokopija. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst
Ključne riječi:hrvatska književnost - renesansa - studije * hrvatska književnost - barok - studije * dubrovačka književnost - renesansa - studije * dubrovačka književnost - barok - studije * Crijević, Ilija - De Epidauro * Vetranović, Mavro - studije * Držić, Marin - studije * hrvatska književnost - pastirske drame i farse * Ranjina, Dinko * Didak Pir * hrvatska drama - Dubrovnik - renesansa i barok * hrvatsko kazalište - Dubrovnik - renesansa i barok * Gundulić, Ivan - studije * psalmi - hrvatski prepjevi - barok * Bunić Vučić, Ivan - Zagorko i Divjak * Bunić, Nikola * Palmotić Dionorić, Jaketa - Dubrovnik ponovljen * Tasso, Torquato - hrvatski prepjevi * Bogašinović, Petar * Bettera, Baro - Oronta iz Cipra
Sažetak:Začeci dubrovačke renesansne poetike ; Sonet u dubrovačkoj renesansnoj lirici ; Epska vizija Dubrovnika i njegove prošlosti u spevu De Epidauro humaniste Ilije Crijevića ; Antički mit u pesništvu Mavra Vetranovića ; Mavro Vetranović i usmena književnost ; Hristovo rođenje u jednoj pobožnoj drami Mavra Vetranovića ; Prolozi Držićevih drama ; Tudešak u Držićevoj komediji Dundo Maroje ; Komedija Mande Marina Držića i Kotor ; Tragovi usmene proze u Držićevom dramskom izrazu ; Literarna i istorijska slika Turaka u delima Marina Držića ; Prizori i pomeni vračanja u dubrovačkim renesansnim pastirskim dramama i farsama ; Poslovice u stihovima Dinka Ranjine ; Parodija dve pesme "od kola" Dinka Ranjine ; Humanista Didak Pir u krugu dubroavačkih pesnika ; Drama i pozorište u Dubrovniku posle Marina Držića ; Osman u krugu italijanske epike XVII veka ; Dživo Gundulić kao "krstjanin spijevalac" ; Barokni prepevi Davidovih pokajničkih psalama ; Jedan "razgovor pastirski" Dživa Bunića kao parafraza stihova Džambatiste Gvarinija ; Barokni pesnik Nikola Bunić ; Dubrovnik ponovljen Jakete Palmotića i istorija ; O prvim pokušajima prepevavanja Oslobođenog Jerusalima Torkvata Tasa ; Petar Bogašinović izdavač i pesnik ; Oronta iz Cipra Bara Betere
Signatura:SF 23634-12
Inventarni broj:74204
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Autor:Aleksandrov Pogačnik, Nina
Naslov:Slavonski barok u tumačenju Branka Vodnika
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 73-78
Sažetak:This paper deals with several significant levels imposed by the theme. Attention is drawn to the fact that B. Vodnik was one of the first historians of Croatian literature who had a feeling for theoretical considerations and distinctions. He was the first to apply the term 'Baroque' to the complex of 18th-century Slavonian literature (A. Kanižlić, A. Ivanošić) in the literary historiography of the Croats; still, it should be stressed that his views on this subject derived from his own fundamental standpoint, a standpoint which has been unjustly ignored, for mainly political reasons. This fundamental standpoint, from which Vodnik viewed the entire fabric of Croatian literature, emphasizes the spiritual unity of the corpus of Croatian literature. Differences in development and results are not shortcomings; on the contrary, they make Croatian spiritual and literary scene richer and more dynamic. That is why B. Vodnik, attempting to explain the development and achievements of Slavonian literature, more particulary the Slavonian Baroque, notices both differences and similarities in word view and style between Baroque writers in Slavonia and Dubrovnik, demonstrating, for the first time since Jagić, a cimmand of contemporary comparative method. this makes Vodnik's text significant not only as literary history, but also as a valuable contribution to Croatian literary methodology.
Ključne riječi:slavonski barok - tumačenje - Vodnik, Branko * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Nikčević, Milorad
Naslov:Barokna književnost bokokotorskog korpusa i njezini tematsko-motivski i jezično-stilski dodiri sa slavonskim barokom
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 281-293
Sažetak:A survey of the Baroque literature of the Boka kotorska circle opens up paths int hitherto unnoticed and neglected currents of literature. A distant literary phenomenon occurs, first of all, in the atmosphere of its timeless and quantitative values, and only then in esthetic judgments. A was largely the case in Dubrovnik-Dalmatian region, so in the territory of Boka kotorska, with its Mediterranean environment, the development of Baroque art was influenced by the centuries-long presence of the Venetian republic. Adherence to Venice was the chief promoter of material and spiritual development and of all of life and art: architecture, painting, music and literature. true, the Baroque penetrated particular genres slowly, in combinationwith Romanesque and renaissance characteristics. This duality of stylistic expression is demonstrated on several examples from architecture and painting: Renaissance themes and motifs together sith Baroque stylization. In literature, Baroque literary expresion in the Boka kotorska region gained its propler place in the 17th and 18th centuries. true, it is expressed through the interpretation, incorporation and substitution of numerous elements of Romanesque literature and of oral literature and folklore, as well in the work of numerous representatives of this literature of which we have made a synthetic survey that the Baroque in Boka kotorska developed in the environment of Croatian Baroque literature. It had connections, encounters and parallels in the type of Baroque that existed abundantly in nearby Dubrovnik and the wider Dalmatian region. Their common points and connections should be sought first lf all in models of theme and motif, but also, to an even greater extent, in their common standard Štokavian language idiom and linguistic-stylistic models. These elements also represent connection to the broader context of Slavonian Baroque literature.
Ključne riječi:bokokotorska književnost - slavonski književni barok * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Pšihistal, Ružica
Naslov:Problem slavonskog baroka u hrvatskoj znanosti i književnosti
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 49-72
Sažetak:In our historiography from Vodnik, Kombol, Ježić, Georgijević to Bogišić it bacame customary to consider the old Slavonian literature as some sort of corpus separatum in the Croatian literature, which was confirmed by the separate reviewing of the old Slavonian literature from Jakošić and Ćevapović to Oavić, Forko, Vodnik, Matić. Descriptive terms "Slavonian writers", "Slavonian literature" are specifically determined in terms of space, time and even history. They describe the authors that are either by origin or by their work connected to Slavonia in the was Slavonia is understood after 1745. Slavonian literary production in 18. century and almost regularly emphasised low level of its literary evolution is connected with the state of Slavonia after the liberation from the Turks and the general Catholic renewal movement. Up until the second part of the 18. century the literature was thematically and in genre exclusively religious. Arbitrariness of our literary-historical appointment, already visible in a periodical principle by centuries shows itself in the fact that the whole literary production of the 18 century Slavonia and its heterogenity of style and ideas as well as its incompatibility had a term Enlightenment for a common denominator. It is true, within the era of Enlightenment was constituated the stream of Enlightenment preceded by Relković; Kanižlić, the "late" writer of baroque and the neoclassicist Katančić were singled out but mostly as individual and "lonely occurences". In thematical classifications (Andrić, Kovačević) we can single out the war-lyric complex with its representative Pavišević, Štefanec, pavić, Ivanošić and panegyric one with Sebastijanović, katančić, krmpotić, but they overlap thematically while scientifically they are not enough verified. The war complex is mostly attached to Kačić's stream, and the panegyric tothe latinistic, neoclassical stream, although Ivanošić and Krmpotić have the elements of baroque ornatness. The analysis of the baroqness of this literary production, since for the most researchers, influenced by the German science, the period of baroque finishes at the end of 17. century, lingers on the constatation of the "late" baroque with Kanižlić as its only representative. The thesis that Kanižlić was the late representtive of baroque revised Peić, finding the elements of rococo in Došen, Ivanošić, Relković with another thesis that Kanižlić was the innovator of rococo. Before we put the question about "Slavonian baroque" we need to read those works again, or sometimes even for the first time, lest we should find among them neoclassical, preromantic or baroque one.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * slavonski barok -- znanost o književnosti * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Marijanović, Stanislav
Naslov:Gundulić i barokni pjesnici Slavonije
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 81-90
Sažetak:The relation between Dubrovnik with its most prominent baroque representative Ivan Gundulić and Slavonia embodied in the literary texts of 17. and 18. century was establiched on several starting points. First, we are dealing with the "baroquo" image of the Turkish Slavonia reflected in the works of three travel writers: Antun Vrančić, Evija Celebija and Bartul Kašić. Their view of Slavonia, carred out through descriptions of locus horrdus kind, give us the image of Slavonian literary loverty of 17. century. Consequently, the renewed genres are extremely englightening, morally didactic and religious. Such making up and traversion of literary expression, long overcome by the dubrovnik writers, will stimulate for themes and ornaments in that period. Slavonian baroque is therefore understood as the distinction between the image of hypothetical and the real world connected with its genre and style orientation.
Ključne riječi:književni barok - Hrvatska * slavonski barok - Gunudlić, Ivan - recepcija * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Vončina, Josip
Naslov:Odraz dubrovačkog baroka u Kanižlićevu jeziku
Matična publikacija:Ključevi raja : hrvatski književni barok i slavonska književnost 18. stoljeća : zbornik, (Osijek - Požega, 10.-12. studenoga 1993.) / priredila Julijana Matanović; str. 303-309
Sažetak:It is well-known that Kanižlić relied on the work of Ignjat Đurđević, and the dictionary of Ardelije Della Bella (from which he took various kinds of material, and especially lexical material). Still, he did not adopt the Latin spelling system used by Baroque poets in Dubrovnik (and which Rajmundo Đamanjić tried to prescribe in 1639). Kanižlić did not implement and 'jekavism' fouond in the literature of Dubrovnik, and he retained his archaic accentutation, characteristic of the Sava basin.
Ključne riječi:Kanižlić, Antun - jezik - dubrovački barok * književni barok - Hrvatska * književnost 18. stoljeća - Hrvatska - Slavonija
UDK:821.163.42.02 Kanižlić, A. * 811.163.42
Signatura821.163.42.09 KLJU
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(Barok and not - Knjievnost )
